If you have always had a dream or goal in your mind and struggled to achieve, this week’s guest, Kim Ingleby has know how to help you make it really happen.
FFF 037: How To Overcome Fears, Limiting Behaviours and Increase Your Mental Strength – with Kim Ingleby is a post from: Food For Fitness
This week on the podcast we’re chatting all things low carb. Specifically some of the flaws regarding the claims made about ditching carbs from your diet.
Alan Aragon is the man in the guest’s chair. He is someone who is held in extremely high regard in the nutrition and fitness industry and for many good reasons. He is a nutritionist, researcher, writer and speaker, he also loves a good troll on Facebook too…but in a good way, he provides evidence, is polite and doesn’t block folks who disagree with him.
FFF 036: Low Carb Dieting Flaws, Examining The Claims vs Evidence – with Alan Aragon is a post from: Food For Fitness
Nutrition lecturer, former strongman and super-smart guy, Rich Sennewald comes back on the podcast to chat all about sugar.
FFF 035: Sweet Science The Truth About Sugar – with Rich Sennewald is a post from: Food For Fitness
In this episode of the podcast, Nick explains all about the benefits of strength training for fat loss.
FFF 034: Strength Training For Fat Loss – with Nick Tumminello is a post from: Food For Fitness
Strength and conditioning specialist, Tony Gentilcore, explains the fundamentals of how to create a successful training programme to get stronger...and it has nothing to do with oranges or bosu balls!
FFF 033: How To Get Stronger By Juggling Oranges On Bosu Balls – with Tony Gentilcore is a post from: Food For Fitness
A major goal in the battle against obesity in Scotland is to develop strategies that result in healthy and sustainable weight loss.
Dr Alex Johnstone from the Rowett Institute at the University of Aberdeen is a leading expert on how protein, from both plants and animals, can help to minimise hunger, improve metabolic health and assist with weight loss. In this episode you’ll discover the science behind why protein makes you “feel full” and other top ways to minimise hunger.
Alex will explain how different protein sources impact your body, how often we should eat protein, why protein at breakfast is a good idea and the importance of variety. She’ll dispel myths surrounding high protein diets and kidney function, why more than 30g of protein per serving doesn’t “go to waste”, her thoughts on organic meat vs conventional meat and why she thinks we should potentially be eating more protein from plants!
FFF 032: Can High Protein Diets Help You Lose Weight – with Dr Alex Johnstone is a post from: Food For Fitness
Does red meat cause cancer? Are sweeteners bad for you? Should you avoid anything with chemicals in it? Do we need to be eating organic food? Why is there so much bad science in the newspapers?
These are just some of the questions that this week’s guest – Rich Sennewald - is going to answer. Rich is a nutrition coach, lecturer, researcher and strong man. Not only does he have the book smarts but he can shift a tonne of weight in the gym too! He is going to go behind the headlines and explain why so much of the nutrition information we see in the news and in magazines is badly reported and based on crappy science. He’ll explain why you can enjoy a diet coke and a juicy steak without the worry!
FFF 031: Bad Science BS, Artificial Sweeteners & Red Meat – with Rich Sennewald is a post from: Food For Fitness
Jessie Mundell is a strength coach based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada who specialises in pre and post-natal exercise, lifting for women, and sustainable lifestyle change.
In this episode of the podcast you’ll learn how much exercise can you do when pregnant and some of the benefits of training when expecting. What are the main concerns – what should you not do, the exercises you should avoid, when should you stop and what exercises are safe when pregnant.
FFF 030: Training When Pregnant, The Do’s & Don’ts Of Pre And Post-Natal Exercise – with Jessie Mundell is a post from: Food For Fitness
This week James Conci-Mitchell, seasoned personal trainer, fitness writer and owner of the super cool Six3Nine gym in Convent Garden is on the show. In this episode James explains exactly how he helps his clients to completely transform their body. If you’ve always wanted that shredded six pack or toned tummy then this show is going to help!
FFF 029: A Step By Step Plan To Transform Your Body & Achieve Lasting Results – with James Conci-Mitchell is a post from: Food For Fitness
Dan John comes on the podcast to chat about the fundamentals of lifting, goblet squats, over head pressing, pushing and carrying weight, tumbling and the best abs exercise you've never done!
FFF 028: Goblet Squats, Basic Lifts & Tumbling To Get Stronger And Feel Epic – with Dan John is a post from: Food For Fitness
Drew Price is a Registered Nutritionist who embarked on a unique project for Men’s Fitness magazine which saw him follow 12 different, extreme diets over the course of 12 months.
He tried IIFYM, The Paleo Diet, Warrior Diet, Anabolic Diet, Velocity, Carb Back Loading, The Slow Carb Diet, Get Shredded Diet, The Good Gut Diet, The Blood Group Diet and The Ornish Diet.
His goals were to find out which ones work, and which were a waste of time? What are the costs to health and happiness, and how does each diet impact his long term diet ‘success?
In this episode of the podcast Drew shares his story. He talks about the highs and lows, which diet was the most effective, which was the most unpleasant and which one actually caused him to gain weight. He explains how the different diets impacted his social life, his stress levels and which one he found most enjoyable and why it was different from his prediction.
Drew also tracked all his blood work so he also shares which diet had the greatest improvement on his markers of health, which one cause the most amount of weight loss and which diet had the most detrimental effect on his gym performance.
FFF 026: The Highs And Lows Of 12 Extreme Diets In 12 Months – with Drew Price is a post from: Food For Fitness
Nick Winkelman is the Director of Education at EXOS where he oversees all mentorship education courses and is a full-time strength and conditioning coach. He also lectures nationally and internationally on all topics pertaining to exercise science, strength & conditioning and personal training.
In this episode of the Food For Fitness podcast, Nick chats all about coaching cues. What are they and you’ll learn the difference between internal and external cues and when they’re best used. Nick explains how someone’s physiological makeup can affect their ability to perform certain exercises and how he allows for this when designing workout routines.
We’ll cover Nick’s favourite cues for teaching the deadlift, squat and the hip hinge. He shares why single leg or unilateral work is so badass and why more people should be doing it, his thoughts on sprint training for the general public and why he thinks it’s perhaps too dangerous. He talks about why group training is so effective and his thoughts on Crossfit.
Whether you are a recreational lifter who wants to improve your technique or a personal trainer who wants to develop how to coach your own clients, you’re going to love this episode! .
FFF 026: Training NFL Athletes, Coaching & The Benefits Of Single Leg Training – with Nick Winkelman is a post from: Food For Fitness
Sohee Lee is a health coach, fitness writer and competitive bikini model who specialises in helping women develop healthy relationships with food and their bodies while achieving lasting fitness success.
Having fought through both anorexia and bulimia, Sohee is on a mission is to empower women to practice compassion and grace with themselves in the gym, in the kitchen, and in life.
In this episode you’ll learn some of the biggest nutrition mistakes people make when competing in bikini and fitness competitions, how to avoid excessive restriction and post-comp blowout binges, the science behind peak week and why ‘drying out’ is usually a really bad idea, why Sohee believes people should do as little cardio as possible and why competition prep will take much longer than you think.
She also explains how she programs refeeds for her clients, why she trains glutes 4 to 5 times a week, how excessive dieting and bland foods almost ruined her college life and why she thinks flexible dieting and tracking macros is the ultimate approach for healthy, lasting success.
FFF 025: How To Eat, Train & Stay Sane When Competing In Bikini Modelling – with Sohee Lee is a post from: Food For Fitness
Born in sunny South Africa and raised in London, Dr Michelle Storfer (MBBS, BSc) qualified as a medical doctor from University College London and also completed a Bachelor of Science (BSc) Nutrition at King’s College London.
The mounting clinical evidence on the effect of nutrition on health convinced Michelle to combine her medical knowledge and passion for nutrition and establish The Food Effect, a comprehensive nutritional advice practice based in London.
In this episode of the Food For Fitness podcast, Michelle chats about her experience in the medical field, why good nutrition is so crucial yet often undervalued in the community and why she made the shift from doctor to nutritionist.
She explains some of the strangest things she’s heard patients do to lose weight, the health risks of many popular FAD diets, why juicing could be destroying your progress, her favourite strategies for woman who want to lose weight, how to re-steer clients who get off track, her top strategies for long term success, her favourite healthy meals and why she hates bananas.
FFF 024: Fighting Fat & FAD Diets With Food As Medicine – with Dr Michelle Storfer is a post from: Food For Fitness
Joseph Agu is a performance nutritionist who has been working at the English Institute of Sport with British Athletics, providing nutrition guidance to Olympic level athletes.
He has a BSc. in Sport and Exercise Science, an MSc. in Sports Nutrition and he is currently undertaking a PhD looking at nutritional interventions for strength and power athletes.
In this episode of the Food For Fitness podcast, Joe explains how he helped elite athletes achieve peak performance through improving their dietary practices. You’ll find out how he fixes broken diets, his approach to supplementation, the recovery strategies of an top sprinter, the importance of protein and how the diet of an elite athlete may be very different from what you expect.
In the second half of the episode Joe changes his focus and shares his best advice for the average gym-goer who wants to improve their body composition. He explains why sustainability is key and the values of evidence-based practice and he discusses how someone could best implement refeeds and diet breaks. Joe also reflects on his journey in the fitness industry and how his approach has changed over the last few years and he shares several lessons he’s learned along the way.
FFF 023: Eating Like An Elite Athlete, Refeeds, Supplements & Fitness Trends – with Joe Agu is a post from: Food For Fitness
Laura Tilt is Registered Dietitian and health writer specialising in weight management, fat loss, sports nutrition and the low FODMAP diet. She is one of our Food For Fitness dieticians who works with our online clients helping them to lose weight, gain muscle or improve their sporting performance. She is also the nutrition expert for kiqplan and is a regular contributor in Running Fitness, Cycling Fitness and Cycling Weekly magazines.
In the first half of the podcast, Laura and Scott chat about gut health. Improving gut health is one of those extremely important subjects that is shrouded in misunderstanding and myths are often perpetuated by those in the industry who don’t really know much about what they’re talking about. Thankfully, Laura is an expert in this field. She explains how we can improve the health of our gut, some of the causes of digestive discomfort, her thoughts on gluten and ‘inflammatory foods’ and we review the evidence and benefits of probiotics.
Laura also chats about her experiences with the low FODMAP diet. The FODMAP diet (Fermentable, Oligo-saccharides, Di-saccharides, Mono-saccharides and Polyols) has been developed in Australia and has been shown to improve the symptoms of people with functional gut disorders like IBS. A recent evaluation found that 76% of patients that had seen a FODMAP-trained dietitian reported improvement in symptoms. Impressive stuff!
In the second half of the show, we move onto sports nutrition for cyclists. Laura explains exactly what cyclists should aim to have before a ride, during and after. We’ll cover some supplements that may improve performance, some pre-race meal ideas and exactly what kind of carbohydrates can improve performance and provide sustained energy.
FFF 022: How To Improve Your Gut Health & Nutrition Considerations For Cyclists – with Laura Tilt is a post from: Food For Fitness
Lucy Sewell is a personal trainer and coach, based in Glasgow, who is renowned on social media for her awesome workout videos, epic strength and photos of her ice cream.
Having suffered from anorexia as a teenager, Lucy is now a firm advocate of promoting moderation and balanced lifestyles. She is a former secondly school teacher, turned PT, who strives to help people build healthier, sustainable relationships with food.
In this episode of the Food For Fitness podcast, Lucy explains how her childhood experiences of an eating disorder have had such an impact on how she now eats and trains. She is a firm believer of flexible dieting and has achieved fantastic results with the approach some call IIFYM. Lucy explains why building muscle was one of the most important aspects of her recovery, why she doesn’t care about her bodyfat percentage, the dangers of getting too lean and why the fitness industry can sometimes push people in unhealthy directions.
She chats about her current training program, some of tricks and tactics she uses with her clients in the gym, why flexible dieting is so misunderstood and why so many people forget to embrace what they enjoy!
FFF 021: Flexible Dieting & Building Muscle To Beat An Eating Disorder – with Lucy Sewell is a post from: Food For Fitness
This week, Dr Spencer Nadolsky is the guest on The Food For Fitness Podcast. He is a medical doctor, fitness writer and advocate of evidence-based nutrition. Known by many as ‘The Dr Who Lifts’, Spencer has a background in exercise science and he now specialises in weight loss and cholesterol. He is leading proponent of using resistance training and good nutrition as a form of medicine to try and tackle the growing obesity crisis.
In this episode, Spencer explains how he teaches his patients about the benefits of training and intelligent nutrition as a means to improve overall health and lifestyles. He describes why our obesogenic environment is pushing us towards weight gain, the dangers of having overweight grandparents, if Facebook is making us fat and his take on the ‘exercise vs diet debate’.
We chat about cholesterol and saturated fat and he dispels many of the myths surrounding the subject. He explains why he went vegan for a month, why Bulletproof coffee could be damaging to your health, his favourite supplements and how he went from winning a bodybuilding show to competing in a triathlon without losing any muscle or strength.
FFF 020: The Truth About Cholesterol, Our Fattening Environment & Exercise As Medicine – with Dr Spencer Nadolsky is a post from: Food For Fitness
Nardia Norman is an award winning Australian Personal Trainer of the Year, an author, international presenter, and women’s health authority.
She has successfully coached thousands of people to strip body fat, get strong and transform so that they may ultimately live healthier, happier, freer lives. She is on a mission to bring back common sense in an industry full of hype and BS.
Through her speaking engagements and workshops she specifically aims to help women break free from the misguided training and nutrition dogmas that keep them stuck in an unhealthy way of thinking and being, so that they may live life freely.
In this episode of the Food For Fitness Podcast, Nardia brings a lot of common sense to the show. We chat about the dangers of competing and the rise in popularity of body-focused competition and the increasing trend of women chasing the ‘perfect’ physique. Nardia explains why this may actually be unhealthy and why it can lead to obsessive behaviours and disordered eating habits.
Nardia explains why moderation isn’t sexy, but why it’s so effective. We chat about why lifting weights isn’t going to make women bulky, her favourite form of cardio, why you should honour your body, why you don’t need to smash yourself or endure extreme nutrition approaches in the quest for a better body.
You’ll learn how to maximise your effort in the gym and how to avoid ‘junk training’, why crossfit can change your mindset and how to experience Nardia’s concept of crazy body love.
FFF 019 : Crazy Body Love, Smart Training & Kickass Nutrition - with Nardia Norman is a post from: Food For Fitness
Dr Jonathan Fass is a strength coach and physical therapist specializing in sports, pain management and orthopaedics. He’s worked in the Health & Fitness industry since 2001 and has written for and been featured in a number of publications including Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness and Jezebel.com.
Most recently he has been living in Saudi Arabia where he was the Private Physical Therapist and Sports Manager for His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, billionaire investor, philanthropist and humanitarian.
In this episode of the Food For Fitness podcast, Jon and Scott discuss pain, more specifically – how to avoid it! Jon explains more about why we feel pain and some of the reasons for lower back pain.
We chat about how people who work in an office can improve their posture, if there’s any science behind standing at our desks or sitting on bosu balls and why we should move more to lift more! We delve into the effectiveness of foam-rollers, Pilates and yoga and if they can help minimise injury.
Jon talks about evidence-based practice, ‘dangerous exercises’ and talks about what more people should be avoiding and including in the gym.
It’s a great show and its essential listening if you want to stay injury-free and get the most from your training.
FFF 018 : Managing Pain, Avoiding Injury, Foam Rolling & Dangerous Exercises - with Jon Fass is a post from: Food For Fitness
If you’re looking to get stronger, lose fat and have amazing body composition then 5x World Record Powerlifter, Jordan Syatt, is someone who you should listen to!
Jordan is a graduate from the University of Delaware and he is a freakishly strong strength coach, nutrition consultant and trainer. He’s been featured in CNN, The Huffington Post and Men’s Fitness but most importantly, he’s helped hundreds of people just like you get stronger, leaner and look absolutely incredible.
In this episode of the Food For Fitness podcast, Jordan dispels some of the myths surrounding powerlifting and he explains why it is so effective for fat loss and body composition. He talks through how both beginners and advanced lifters can improve their squat, deadlift and bench press and shares some fantastic teaching tips that you can use in the gym to immediate effect.
He describes why he thinks training legs once per week is dumb unless you’re a competitive bodybuilder, why yoga makes you a better lifter, how to structure a training plan, why every program works, the optimum time to rest between sets and tonnes more in this jam-packed podcast episode.
FFF 017 : How To Lift More, Torch Fat & Get Stronger With A World-Record Powerlifter - with Jordan Syatt is a post from: Food For Fitness
Named by Greatest as one of the most influential people in the industry, Adam Bornstein is a big deal in the world of fitness! He is a New York Times bestselling author, award-winning editor, speaker and business consultant. He’s the former editor of Men’s Health and Livestrong.com and he’s contributed to numerous other publications including Men's Fitness, Shape and Schwarznegger.com. It’s been estimated that Adam has reached over 100 million people through articles, blogs, videos, and his books.
In this episode of the Food For Fitness Podcast, Adam shares his thoughts on loads of current trends in the fitness industry. Scott and Adam chat about the paleo diet, if social media is a help or a hindrance when it comes to fitness, why everyone loves abs and fat loss articles, why you should stop trying to diet on holiday/vacation and how fitness pros can connect with people who don’t actually care about fitness.
There’s more! Adam is constantly travelling with business so he explains how you can stay in shape when away from home, how to train and remain consistent with your nutrition when on the road. The show is loaded with helpful advice, so click below to get started.
FFF 016 : Rewriting The Fitness Rules To Help Millions Get Leaner, Stronger & Healthier – with Adam Bornstein is a post from: Food For Fitness
Harry Ranson has spent the last couple of years living and working in India, training several Bollywood stars and helping them get super lean for their demanding film roles. He is a successful personal trainer and nutrition coach and is the co-owner of his gym The Performance Project in Brighton.
In this episode, Harry shares stories from his time India, how he trained actors with demanding schedules and tight deadlines. We chat about Harry’s experience competing in fitness modelling and natural bodybuilding, the benefits of powerlifting, why having a coach is the number one thing you can do to improve your physique and how he creates his delicious healthy recipes.
FFF 015 : Training Bollywood Celebs & Healthy Cooking Creativity is a post from: Food For Fitness
I know what to do, I just can’t stick with it. Sound familiar? Why is it often so hard to make real progress? That’s where Steve Ledbetter aka Coach Stevo comes in. Stevo runs a company in San Francisco called Habitry who focus on teaching people habits and principles to improve their fitness, nutrition and enrich their lives. He has a BA in Philosophy from the University of Chicago, and an MA in Sport Psychology from John F. Kennedy University and he’s a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.
This episode is full of amazing information and 'AHA moments' that you’re going to love. Stevo explains habit formation, why you should create 'fallback Friday' routines, why we don’t actually want to run marathons, why we don’t want to exercise and why training outside kicks ass.
He explains why we should change the way we set goals, how we can focus on behaviours, overcoming stumbles, staying focussed and achieving and maintaining your ideal physique. Enjoy!
FFF 014 : Badass Behaviours, Epic Habits & Amazing Routines For Awesome Results – with Steve ‘Coach Stevo’ Ledbetter is a post from: Food For Fitness
Eve Muirhead is a Team GB curler who has won multiple world titles and has represented Great Britain at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver and the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. Pretty impressive right! She’s also a single-figure golf handicapper and she loves smashing the weights in the gym.
In this episode of the Food For Fitness podcast, Eve talks about her journey into the sport, her current training routine, the importance of diet for fuelling and recovery and her medal-winning mindset.
She explains some of biggest challenges that she has had to overcome, the focus required to compete on the Olympic stage, the importance of goal-setting and how people can remain on-track even if they’re becoming disheartened and feeling unmotivated.
This episode will give you an amazing insight into the training, nutrition and mindset required to compete at the truly elite level of international sport.
FFF 013 : Medal Winning Mindset, An Olympians Perspective – with Eve Muirhead is a post from: Food For Fitness